Quiero construir un nuevo mundo, quiero estar a la vanguardia, quiero derrumbar a Latinoamérica, hacerla pedazos y empezarla desde cero. Que por un segundo el mundo calle y escuche, que no oiga, que escuche. Que los no escuchados me DIGAN qué es lo que han visto, ¿qué quiero yo ver? ¿Por qué no puedo verlo?
Quiero construir un nuevo mundo, quiero soldados a mis costados, quiero una delantera poética, quiero plumas lo suficientemente mordaces, cínicas, crudas, versadas, rotas, amargas, dolidas, jodidas hasta lo más profundo como para alzar una sola voz, una voz que le diga a los líderes sus errores, que los derrumbe, una voz que lidere, que enseñe a liderar. ¡Quiero soldados, carajo, dadme soldados! No viles críticos de bolsillo, de clóset, enclosetados.
Quiero construir un nuevo mundo, un nuevo espectro latino, un nuevo latino-americano. Que deje de mamar y se ponga entre los sesos los cojones, que su arma sea la pluma, la birome, el lapicero, el lápiz. Que apuñale con ello a la perfidia, a la abominación, a lo asqueroso. Que destierre a estos hijos de su patria.
¡Quiero soldados, carajo, dadme soldados!
I want to build a new world from a poetic front, a neo avant-garde, a poetic militarism. The last few weeks I’ve been thinking about how to start, In which form Vallejo, Arguedas, Huidobro, Ruben Dario or Baudelaire started? How should I know is this path is correct? In a world full of ignorants to get a compliment is a very easy job. How to obtain some critics? How the hell would I get someone with enough CRITERIA to CRITICIZE? Where to find culture? How to plant culture? How to make culture a way of life and not a mechanism to make others feel inferior? Why? Why all these technicalities?
I want to build a new world, I want to be at the forefront, I want to overthrow Latinamerica, rit it up and start it from scratch. That for a second the world shut up and listen, not to hear, to listen. That those who are unheard TELL ME what they saw, what I want to see? Why can’t I see it?
I want to build a new world, I want soldiers at my sides, I want a poetry front, I want pens enough sharp, cynical, crude, knowledgeable, broken, bitter, hurt, banged up deep enough to raise a single voice, a voice that tell to the leaders their errors, that crash them, a voice to lead, to teach leadership. I want soldiers, fuck, give me some soldiers! Not those vile pocket critical, “closet” ones.
I want to build a new world, a new latin spectre, a new latin-american. Who stops breastfeeding and put the balls between the brains, his weapon is the pen, the pencil. That stab with it to the perfidy, the abomination and the disgusting things. Who would ban these children from their homeland
I want soldiers, fuck, give me some soldiers!
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